What causes my toilet plumbing to run?
It may be one thing or a combination of factors: * Check to see that the flapper is not deformed. * The fill valve may have dirt in it or worn out. * The float ball may be stuck in the down position.
When should I replace my hot water tank?
Predicting when a water tank will start to leak is very difficult. A better question to ask is: Where will the water travel if the tank were to leak? At Fitch Services, we recommend installing a tank drainage pan to prevent damage to your dwelling or commercial property. If this is not possible, consider installing a draining tube to carry leakage to a safe drainage area.
How large should my hot water tank be?
If the family has one to four people a 40 gallon tank {50 US} should be sufficient. However if one of the persons is a teenager or you have a large soaker tub a 60 gallon tank should be installed.
Is there a way of preventing scalding in the shower when other water appliances are working or the toilet need to be flushed?
A pressure balancing valve should be installed in the shower. This controls the amount of water that comes out of the shower head. Also, a practical approach is to simply place your other water appliances on standby while you have a shower.
What is the easiest way to improve the plumbing in my house?
Simply carry out routine maintenance on your equipment and you will always have clear lines. At what temperature should I set my hot water tank? The optimum temperature is subjective. It all depends on your needs. The temperature should be set in your house based on who will use the facilities. For example, if you have young children I recommend lowering the maximum temperature to prevent accidental scalding.
How often should I have my septic tank pumped?
Septic systems should be inspected and pumped a minimum of once every three to four year. A full septic tank may allow unwanted solids to flow into the drain field, which is the part of the system that consists of a distribution box, with a series of connected pipes. Each pipe allows water to flow into a bed of stone that drains into the ground. If paper and other solids flow into the drain field it becomes blocked and ineffective.
What is a backflow device?
A device that is installed to protect the potable (drinking) water from coming in contact with a questionable contaminant. When installed correctly and operating properly it will prevent contaminants from entering the potable water supply.
Why does the backflow device have to be tested yearly?
Any device that is mechanical is apt to fail and must be regularly checked and tested. The manufacturer suggests that testable backflow devices be tested yearly, and the Plumbing Code states that backflow devices must be tested at least annually.
How do I determine if I have a water leak?
Make sure all fixtures inside and outside your home are turned off. Then you can go out to your water meter open the lid and check to see if any dial is moving. You may need to observe this for several minutes. When no water is being used nothing should be moving. Even a small leak over a 24 hour period will amount to several gallons and a larger water and sewer bill.
Why do my new faucets and showers have low water pressure?
Several years ago the Federal Government mandated “low flow faucets” restricting the flow of water through the fixture in order to save on water consumption.
What causes bubbling in the toilet?
That is a prelude to a stoppage. The line has a partial blockage.
Do over the counter drain cleaners really work?
They are more for preventative maintenance. Extremely effective drain cleaners are used by professionals and are not available over the counter.
What food refuse can not go down the garbage disposal?
Seeds, bones, anything that swells; i.e., pasta, rice wheat germ, etc.
My water consumption bill went up. Do I have a leak?
You could have a leak, or a running faucet or toilet. Check your last 3 months water bills. If you have a major leak the amount of water used will be easy to determine.
Our hot water runs out faster than it used to. What causes that?
If you have an electric water heater, usually one of the heating elements is burnt out.
Should I drain my water heater periodically?
You should drain your heater at least once a year to prevent buildup of sediment, calcium and magnesium.
I bought a new water heater. Why is the temperature of the water not as hot as our last water heater?
Again the Federal Government has mandated that all new water heaters be shipped at a preset temperature of approximately 120 degrees for the best efficiency possible.